Friday, December 23, 2022


 I prayed the gods to change the tide,

Only a moment required to hit capsize;

Unrelenting storm and the sails unfold,

No compass working for destination unknown.


Leap of faith into the gigantic ripple,

One mistake and then a cripple;

Hope permits to gather a breath,

Looming above is the scythe of death.


Winds crashing with raining bullets,

Scarce food and out of pellets;

Edge of morning when the thundering stops,

Behold the sight and the anchor drops.


Survived a story for future to tell,

Bards and authors sang abridged so swell;

Unforgettable the emotion of time at sea,

Woke up from the dream I was sure to see.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Who is Viz

Both are mine and none are me,
Viz is one and Two not Three,
Vivek just chooses to let him be,
While one is caged the other is free.

Who’s not distant doesn’t matter,
Double negatives adds up fatter,
Both loves delicacies made of batter,
But they work in sync as double hatter.

One made for me and one for the biz,
Determining who's present is the real quiz,
What is mine is also his,
Do we really know who is Viz?

Monday, October 22, 2018


I’m sorry dad, for not being a better son,
I’m sorry that I took you for granted;
If only I knew that you were the one,
The pillar in my life is now slanted.

I promise to uphold your teachings,
And pray that you find peace;
Now that you rest in eternal slumber,
My heart has lost its piece.

I wish we had more time together,
But now I cry in despair;
Even if I tell god it’s not fair,
In me you’ll live on forever.

It’s not easy anymore to be without you,
But the choices I have are none;
First steps you taught me now lets me run,
To get a dad like you I’m one of the lucky few.

I’m proud to have you as a father,
I know you loved me much;
I’d trade few years with you rather,
To spend some time as such.

Your blessing and love is keeping me strong,
I’ve learnt now where I belong;
Thanks for being the guide and light,
You have given me magic and might.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


I am flowing through time. Every minute and second it seems i define to rationalize the logic of my fleeting moments. Everything looks so clear, at the same time, it feels like I'm just blinded by what may be understood as time line or zoned. Sometimes my time goes faster and sometimes its at a standstill. Every science and religion has quantified and qualitized everything. There's are rights and wrongs, yes and no's, possibilities or the lack thereof. Why should everything be standardized? Why do we give a definition to everything? Is it the fear of the unknown or undefined? Or do we just want to have a sound sleep knowing why we wake up? Questions should have answers, but inversely we let the answers define our questions. Understanding the unknown pushes our limits of discovering to a degree, it may not always be right but the inability to choose is worse that staying in the dark. Although being in the dark may turn out to be better than knowing.

The paradox of choice could be an illusion and perhaps all the set paths could be leading to the pre-destination, its only a matter of believing that we have the power to control and the ability to neutralize. Time is irrational and unforgiving, it is beautiful to those who find it and painful to those who lose it. If time is made up of moments then moments are just chapters of life that try to define our book. Its neither rudimentary nor elementary; its similar to our state of being, time for us only exists when we do. Our absence of existence equates to the absence of time. This gives us the answer that time emitted by us is our's only and not radiated to a shared emitter. But what is the question

Monday, November 27, 2017


Neither am I your destiny,
Nor am I your destination;
What I feel for you now,
Is emotions and sensations.

I’m walking down these empty streets,
Fearing I’ll be your weakness;
I hope to reduce your pain overtime,
Maybe leaving you speechless.

I may be silly stupid and dumb,
Sometimes even I go numb;
Maybe that’s why I don’t believe in second chances,
Keep looking at me don’t shift your glances.

I dunno what the future holds for us,
But I’m happy with you now;
Believe me this is not a bluff,
I’m sure we can make it through somehow…

Monday, July 4, 2016


May we find a bed to rest in peace,
To live alongside a world where the fear of the dark,
wont let us sleep in solitude and the fear of the light,
bring us towards a blind prophecy.

May we rise up again to fight what we respect,
because it is ours to protect.

Whats worse, a blue skyline or blue water
for the truth is neither of them are blue.

Whats worse, a rich who donates to save money
or a poor who donates to enter doors of heaven.

Whats worse, a child abused by the parents
or a child following the same with his kin.

Whats worse to have no friends
or have pretentious friends.

Whats worse for a veteran, the PTSD
or the sound of fireworks of children celebrating.

Whats worse, the artificial intelligence
or that we are completely dependant on machines.

Whats worse to know that each day brings us closer to the last
or the each living moment is just going to be a fragment of the memory.

May we find a bed to rest in peace,
To live alongside a world where the fear of the dark,
wont let us sleep in solitude and the fear of the light,
bring us towards a blind prophecy.

May we rise up again to fight what we respect,
because it is ours to protect.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

What is the meaning of life?

Is there a purpose for my existence? I have heard that life is meaningless and worthless if not lived for others. Is that what makes our existence so meaningful? I don’t know. Maybe it’s the pretentious being of a fragment of my memory that tells me to keep at it, to work harder, to try my best, to live for everyone around me. But what if that is not completely true? Maybe we are searching for acceptance. Maybe we are searching for companionship so that we don’t have to face this world alone. Maybe we are searching for a way to avoid the loneliness and pain and suffering. If that were to be true would the cause of one’s existence to be in jeopardy to conflict the purpose of living for others? I don’t believe that nothing should be done for purely self purpose as it would not lead to the happiness one desires but that doesn’t mean that it can be completely ignored either. What lays the question is that our existence is contradicting between the level of importance we give to others and ourselves and what to do for them and for ourselves. If we can keep working ourselves to help others all the time we wouldn’t get time for ourselves and the same would go as vice versa. Maybe there is no meaning to life, maybe there is. I can’t tell. It’s too hard for me to judge what the future holds for me but I would really like to experience what the world has to give, share and enjoy, I believe if we all work at it, we all can reap the benefits such as enjoying together, sharing the burden and sadness together, living a part of this important world. Every single life is important and that is why God chose to create it, but still there are wars and calamities. But unless we don’t understand the sadness how will be understand the joy? If we don’t understand darkness how can we see the light? If we don’t understand failures how can we cherish the success?

Every day we learn something new and every day we make mistakes, even though we learn from our mistakes, it still is an essential part of our process of existence. Since after we die we do not know what is next, we might be souls who would go to heaven or hell, we might be wandering spirits looking for meaningless things, or we might form into nothingness where nothing begins or ends. Since life is a short trip, enjoying your way to age is inevitable though some people may choose not to enjoy it. Some find the precious life given to us as a burden; some may treat it as a thing to throw away at some uneventful occurrence. Some choose to cherish every moment they have. Because the last 60 seconds you spent will never return. Something my mom used to tell me since I was a child is that ‘the time you have right now is the time you can use “right now”. When that time goes, it will never come back’. It made me think today that every second we spend in our life is actually every second closer we are coming to leaving this world since everything that has begun will end eventually. It is true they say that nothing lasts forever. This may be true since we do not know anything that has been there forever, memories fade away, beauty and money will be gone one day, people might remember you as a great person but who will be the one who really and actually knew you? It will be the person whom you have actually spent time with, the person who has been along with you, it might be for 3 years or 30 years, what matters is the person accepting you for your own being and not for what you can do or have done. We might all end up doing something great in life and receive satisfaction from it. But we only get true happiness from being who we actually are. It really sounds like a cliché but it’s not a lie either. What we all in this world are searching for is not just happiness since we would need to experience sad events too to realize happiness, but we are searching for a meaning to our life. And that is probably what you are searching for too.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Timeless Faith

Time is a turning clock,
One that never stops for anyone,
It was lying before us,
It lies before us.

Some things happen before it’s meant to be,
Some things happen which we're never meant to see,
But if human choices change the course of history,
Even time will have to bend to resolve this mystery.

In darkness and light the stars move along, as if
Aligning themselves to a tune of the song,
Death is a path eventually everyone takes,
Even time in time will have to fear in its wake.

To answer a question if your intellect isn't poor,
Always question the answer just to be sure,
Because science or religion won’t take you that far,
Faith in yourself and instincts can cause a shooting star.

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Darkness kept pulling me to the side,
Swaying my emotions left and right;
Away from the eternal light,
Strategically then ripped me open wide.

Confused was my being of state,
Believing all this a part of fate;
Unknowingly rejecting the reality at bay,
When things were supposed to be clear as day.

I wanted to stitch back what was once torn,
And concluded till then a mask had to be worn;
For truth cannot be always shown,
The skills of deceit I have to hone.

For this world that carries hate and love,
Both of which are bound to each other;
And picking one side isn’t always about fitting the glove,
But some nights it even gives me the shudder.

Finally I have approached the shining lights,
And now I am balancing the equation;
Looking back at all my fights,
The journey was equally worth the destination.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Understatement of my life

I’m not rich; I don’t own a car,
This time my love, you’ve gone too far;
I dunno if our feelings will ever be at par,
We can’t see the future, and yet here we are.

I have a mindless heart, a soul to sell,
God I pray, someday she’ll drag me out of this hell;
I’m waiting here on the gateway of crime,
Oh I remember, wasn’t her favorite colour lime?

I don’t want infatuations, cuz love is blind,
What am I talking? I’m losing my mind;
This world makes sense, oh yes it does,
Only if ‘I’ knew, which one of ‘you’ makes ‘us’.

It’s just another poem, an overflow of delusions,
When the fact is, the whole world is an illusion;
Always try to find joy, because sadness will prevail,
Sometimes to win in life, you’ve gotta learn to fail.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Reality - illusion underestimated

What is illusion?
Is it what we don’t call reality? Or it is a master trick to fool?

What is real? How do we define real?
Is real the closest we can get to reality? Maybe so due to derivation of reality from real. But that is not the case. Reality and real are the best thing that we can confuse ourselves with not knowingly it’s not the same. What is real? The Moment of joy after completion of exams. Or the Most romantic date that still gives you the shivers sometimes. It also could be the contemplating feeling after watching a movie with one of the most unexpected happy ending. But that moment we never think that what this feeling is called. Some people call it realization, and that feeling is confused with actualization of the fact that possibilities are endless yet wearing the logo impossible is nothing...For a moment does anyone feel like putting your world aside just to evaluate and analyze where am I, what am I doing here, what is my purpose. Even if they do they mostly come up with answers closest to I am in a Place I want to be, I am having the time of my life, and my purpose is to get my ambition. STOP! Wait at this point I want to state the purpose you have taken the pain to read till here. When one see’s the World from somebody else’s perspective, the priorities change, Basic reason I can come up with- Everyone is a wannabe. Not to be taken in the negative sense everyone tries to find what better can the next person do and how can I achieve it as well, misleading oneself to know that what qualities does one already have. Continuing to what the point is that stop reading this for a moment and just think when the last time is you did something to impress somebody. Such as paying the bill of the table or holding the door open for someone, trust me its not just pure courtesy. Courtesy is complementary in nature to impress. But why is it reality? Why isn’t this just another dream you get up from and realize AGAIN that it’s meaningless?

You wake up in the morning gasping for breath wondering what was happening was real. And then u sink into thoughts what if it was real, what would I be doing?
Dreams have meanings too. If you dream nothing but money, you either might be in need of it, or having a desire to spend, or get more, whatever happens in our lives is relative.
The whole day you think about somebody and guess what within a week’s time, he/she has already entered your dreams! What ever you dream is what is kept at the back of your memory
Like computers have cache memory, brains have them too (not called cache), we tend to bring dreams into reality where as when reality turns into dreams, it’s just the opposite reaction, you tend to breakdown. Most people never in their entire life realize what they want and what they need.
Because everyone wants to be Derek O’Brian or Penople Cruz or John Abhrahm. Who wants to be the simple guy nowadays? Everyone wants to be complicated and fast and up to date with the latest life!
Bipasha wore a Gucci to the film fare awards. Everyone wants one, Roadies is featuring Karizma Bikes, and it’s the hippest thing available.
What does it mean when you say someone get a life? Did you really think that he or she can change for the simple reason you dislike something about him/her?


Because people should be original. Ask your self what is the biggest secret you are hiding from the world. And Puh-lease don’t tell I’m an open book because open books and made to shut themselves up .So the biggest secret you might be hiding from the world could be the weapon to your destruction?

If you have something to say, you speak up
If you don’t give a shit, you don’t speak up.
You don’t wait for the street hip hop punks to come and tell you what’s grooving.
You don’t hesitate to go for a movie you don’t have a clue about.
You don’t work out in the gym just to satisfy you are getting thinner.
Everything is relative. Even the flavor of the popcorn you choose to eat in the theater hall affects your viewpoint in the movie.

So here comes the main question.
What is right and what is wrong according to you.
What you should think is for yourself only.
Keep the answers hidden. Because nothing lasts forever. Not even love.

A confession to you

The clock begins to tick
The light begins to fade
As the day gets cover in shade
My mind begins to click

The time is locked down
The eyes are bored
The heart is graving
In the freaking cold

I cant find a thing
Lost seems the destiny
Then comes a ray
Hope is on its way

My heart starts to ache
My hands tremble, legs shake
My mind goes numb and cold
Why aren’t u there to hold?

Have you found someone new?
Thank god u are over me, phew!
I can live with it but I know it’s a lie
But this heart right here, won’t ever die

Love is blind love is dumb
Love+ attraction=invariable sum
Will you miss me coz now I’m gone
I know I will because now I’m alone

Are you there, are u reading?
I don’t know if my heart’s still beating
The songs I wrote the poems I made
All are waste now the time has to fade

A new day has come but I remember you
Hope u do the same because I’m always with you
Nice was the time fun were those days
But now we are walking, same road different ways

Love was the fuel, attraction the icing
Cure is the pain, tears and slicing
Friends are the support moral and true
Always will be there never said untrue

Fun is over and so is time
I have nothing left but a single mistake, a crime
Alas things changed we didn’t even know when
The same things I know won’t happen ever again

A promise is a promise, word is a word
Ill be faithful like a little angel bird
This wasn’t easy neither will it ever be
Let’s hope things find a way and make me guilt free

The Silver Spoon

You have my heart, you have my soul
Without you I don’t feel whole
I dream of you every night and day
When I see you, I look for another way

I run I hide, the truth the facts
Every word you say makes a big impact
When you don’t say anything at all
I crumble to the floor, my world, about to fall

Hidden memories reveal themselves
Nightmares happen in daylight itself
I walk the silent road hoping it’d speak to me
But seems I died a long time ago for something like this happen to be

My heart aches seeing you in someone else’s arm
But lesser seeing you happy
My mind goes numb could you keep me warm?
I know it sounds so crappy

But ill keep walking all the time till the road comes to an end
The silver spoon even non-magically, someday has to bend
The night has to, sometime or the other, simply have to go
The sun will rise, spread a smile, and it’ll swing me to and fro

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Life Without You

Life without you is like sun without sunshine,
Life without you is like flowers which can’t be mine.

Life without you is like a book without pages,
Life without you is like life without ages.

Life without you is like ice without water,
Life without you is like Hogwarts without Potter.

Life without you is like friendship without a friend
Life without you is like the entrance of heaven-
with a sign board “dead end”

My life

My life is like this thermocole;
every now and then its compressed grain
being de-fragmented from its original location.

My life is like a tree;
every now and then the pieces of life like a leaf
falling away from its place.

My life is like a chalk;
the more I learn from it the more
I shed myself.

My life is like this ink, running always,
imprinting my life upon
the places I go.

My life is like the time; always
going ahead, never getting the chance to
look back in life.

If you think...

If you think I’m insensible; your judgment is terrible,
If you think I’m fragile; you can't walk more than a mile.
If you think I’m prong; guess what? You’re wrong,
If you think I’m tall; don’t overlook or you’ll fall!

If you think I’m stylish; you are just being girlish,
If you think I’m a nerd; you are just an idiot in another herd.
If you think I’m weak: you need an advisor to seek,
If you think I’m fat; you need your glasses re-entact!

If you think I can fight; Hey! You’re right,
If you think I’m cheap; your bad ideas are being collected in a heap.
If you think I’m emotional; you’re definitely a professional,
If you think I’m maintained; your morals are sustained!

If you thing I’m dubious; existence of your brain is suspicious,
If you think I’m mad; you are being just silly and sad.
If you think I’m lazy; I’m gonna make you crazy,
If you think I’ve attitude; show some respect and gratitude!

If you think I’m respectable; you’re admirable,
If you think I lie; I’ll disprove it or I’ll die.
If you think I’m a brainiac; I’d call you a maniac
If you think I’m Vivek…Just STOP thinking!!!