Thursday, August 27, 2009

Reality - illusion underestimated

What is illusion?
Is it what we don’t call reality? Or it is a master trick to fool?

What is real? How do we define real?
Is real the closest we can get to reality? Maybe so due to derivation of reality from real. But that is not the case. Reality and real are the best thing that we can confuse ourselves with not knowingly it’s not the same. What is real? The Moment of joy after completion of exams. Or the Most romantic date that still gives you the shivers sometimes. It also could be the contemplating feeling after watching a movie with one of the most unexpected happy ending. But that moment we never think that what this feeling is called. Some people call it realization, and that feeling is confused with actualization of the fact that possibilities are endless yet wearing the logo impossible is nothing...For a moment does anyone feel like putting your world aside just to evaluate and analyze where am I, what am I doing here, what is my purpose. Even if they do they mostly come up with answers closest to I am in a Place I want to be, I am having the time of my life, and my purpose is to get my ambition. STOP! Wait at this point I want to state the purpose you have taken the pain to read till here. When one see’s the World from somebody else’s perspective, the priorities change, Basic reason I can come up with- Everyone is a wannabe. Not to be taken in the negative sense everyone tries to find what better can the next person do and how can I achieve it as well, misleading oneself to know that what qualities does one already have. Continuing to what the point is that stop reading this for a moment and just think when the last time is you did something to impress somebody. Such as paying the bill of the table or holding the door open for someone, trust me its not just pure courtesy. Courtesy is complementary in nature to impress. But why is it reality? Why isn’t this just another dream you get up from and realize AGAIN that it’s meaningless?

You wake up in the morning gasping for breath wondering what was happening was real. And then u sink into thoughts what if it was real, what would I be doing?
Dreams have meanings too. If you dream nothing but money, you either might be in need of it, or having a desire to spend, or get more, whatever happens in our lives is relative.
The whole day you think about somebody and guess what within a week’s time, he/she has already entered your dreams! What ever you dream is what is kept at the back of your memory
Like computers have cache memory, brains have them too (not called cache), we tend to bring dreams into reality where as when reality turns into dreams, it’s just the opposite reaction, you tend to breakdown. Most people never in their entire life realize what they want and what they need.
Because everyone wants to be Derek O’Brian or Penople Cruz or John Abhrahm. Who wants to be the simple guy nowadays? Everyone wants to be complicated and fast and up to date with the latest life!
Bipasha wore a Gucci to the film fare awards. Everyone wants one, Roadies is featuring Karizma Bikes, and it’s the hippest thing available.
What does it mean when you say someone get a life? Did you really think that he or she can change for the simple reason you dislike something about him/her?


Because people should be original. Ask your self what is the biggest secret you are hiding from the world. And Puh-lease don’t tell I’m an open book because open books and made to shut themselves up .So the biggest secret you might be hiding from the world could be the weapon to your destruction?

If you have something to say, you speak up
If you don’t give a shit, you don’t speak up.
You don’t wait for the street hip hop punks to come and tell you what’s grooving.
You don’t hesitate to go for a movie you don’t have a clue about.
You don’t work out in the gym just to satisfy you are getting thinner.
Everything is relative. Even the flavor of the popcorn you choose to eat in the theater hall affects your viewpoint in the movie.

So here comes the main question.
What is right and what is wrong according to you.
What you should think is for yourself only.
Keep the answers hidden. Because nothing lasts forever. Not even love.

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